Friday, October 24, 2008

so, can i just clarify? law school is eating my lunch. someday in a couple of years i may be able to say that i am dominating law school, but that is simply not the case now.

but i love law school. law school makes coffee nervous.

i am the one who doesn't get it, can't speak on her feet, realizes that she's never been good at finishing things, remembers and is reminded that she always wait to the last minute, has a short attention span, regrets her past study habits, realizes that it takes several steps to do anything and she usually only get as far as the first two. oh dear.

but, funny, would you know it, i absolutely love my experience. i don't wish to be anywhere else. i adore law school. the law compels me. the people inspire me. the teachers amaze me. the Lord helps me.


Skinny said...

i once about thought going to law school. glad i didn't. i couldn't even get through freshmen philosophy.

don't die.

. said...

i think we all share the sentiments of your skinny friend in that we very much hope that death is not a part of your law school experience. ;)

but glad to hear it is no pushover Jana! i understand it gets much easier after year one.

and what's with the whole blog entry without a title thing, are you trying to start a new trend? good for you! as an experienced trendsetter myself, might i give you a suggestion? when starting a trend, it is imperative that you convince others to join you. there are probably only a handful of individuals in the world today that can get a trend going entirely on their own. like the old saying goes, 'there is strength in numbers.' also, getting your really cool and popular friends to help you out will speed up the process that much more. there you go, that's free advice from a semi-pro trendsetter. best of luck, and if you'd like to enlist me in your cause, i'd be more than happy to assist!

(umm, and one more thing. in this day and age when so many choose to loosely interpret, i feel it necessary to make a clarification of my own that the ";)" earlier in this comment was in no way, shape, or form intended as a wink at the thin gentleman above, as guys winking at other guys is just very wrong.)

Rachel B said...

Makes coffee nervous! Ha! You are a genius! I miss you! Of course you love law school--you love hard things.

. said...

Skinny, no doubt we've all had difficulties with certain subjects in our studies and your plight came to mind when thinking about a passage from Les Mis that stood out during my session tonight. perhaps taking Hugo's approach here could alleviate some of the sting from your freshman year tilt?

"philosophy should be an energy; it should find its aim and its effect in the amelioration of mankind...thought, this is the true triumph of the soul. to proffer thought to the thirst of men, to give to all, as an elixir, the idea of God, to cause conscience and science to fraternise in them, and to make them good men by this mysterious confrontation--such is the province of true philosophy. morality is truth in full bloom."

the next sentence reads, "contemplation leads to action." and for fear of letting the author down, i had to do what i could to help out Jana's most slender of blog commentators. i also had to look these words up in my dictionary to fully grasp the meaning here, as my vocabulary is quite small/limited/miniscule/diminutive/etc. in comparison.

amelioration: making or becoming better, improvement
proffer: to put before a person for acceptance, offer
elixir: a substance or medicine believed to have the power to cure all ills
province: the range of one's proper duties and functions, scope or jurisdiction

a'ight my lean friend, hope this helps. and as for you Jana, sorry, but i don't have any neat quotes that make law school easier to navigate, or that could at least salvage your lunch. but i'll keep my eyes open!

StephyJ said...

Hey! I've missed you! I am glad you are doing well - even if law school is dragging you down a little. You'll do well, though, because you have always done well at everything you ever put your mind to. Just remember:

"I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once."