Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i wish that reading case law was like running. you know, like all that labor of reading five pages would actually amount to something and you didn't have to think about every single thing, you just had to cover ground. in running, you don't have to back-track your path to "make sure you got it"; you just keep going on to one destination. i just read a page and a half and all i thought about was the company at tonight's dinner. sigh. i'm struggling with the focus thing tonight.

but, in case you think case law is always boring, i'll tell you that i just read a case that used the words "Not!" and "party on" in the opinion. it was awesome. another recent case of note by a very put-off judge read the following: "Plaintiff's counsel, apparently laboring under the impression that I am not dealing with a full deck and that my knowledge of diversity requirements is about equal to that of a low-grade moron, chose to disregard the directional signals posted in my memorandum." he goes on to say how counsel "brazenly, discourteously, definantly, arrongantly, insultingly and...rather obtusely threw back into my face the...allegations..." well, anyway, you get the point. and he wanted to make sure that plaintiff's counsel got the point v-e-r-y c-l-e-a-r-l-y.

and they say that legal writing isn't creative.


lauren said...

i'm jealous. super jealous. that you're in law school. and probably dominating it as well. and you should post more. i heart your blog.

Rachel B said...

Man, I should have gone to law school. Sounds awesome. :)

Eric Willison said...

Miss ya jana b

Unknown said...

Not creative? I always assumed it had to be creative in order to make it so long and confusing to the average joe trying to read it! Anyways, hope you enjoy it more then I do!