Sunday, April 26, 2009


who steals the flags from the crosswalks? i mean, really.

dallin's getting married. he's my younger brother. couldn't be happier. love you becki.

"the medieval club must still be having activities," i thought when i saw some people dressed up and gathered on the lawn by a campus building. they were two graduates getting their pictures taken in their robes and hoods and hats and all. oops.

i rear-ended someone yesterday. 25 years old - and had no idea what to do. luckily mom did.

i love hanging out with my parents.

have you ever seen "goldilocks and the three bears" told in Chinese? it is awesome.

i longboarded at 1 am the other day. true love.

and i started a scooter club - the ruckuses. there are seven members - 3 scooters. we go in rotations.

confession 1: can't wait for "so you think you can dance." fav show. may 21. tune in. you know you're excited too.

confession 2: i know all the words to the taylor swift song "love story."

i have so much stuff to recycle. this will take me at least two trips to carry to my car.


jes said...

so i actually have a comment for pretty much everything you said. here i go:

who steals the flags from the crosswalks? i mean, really. (i probably would actually... or would have when i was a teenager)

dallin's getting married. he's my younger brother. couldn't be happier. love you becki. (i'm SO more excited than them probably)

"the medieval club must still be having activities," i thought when i saw some people dressed up and gathered on the lawn by a campus building. they were two graduates getting their pictures taken in their robes and hoods and hats and all. oops. (HAHAHA I TOTALLY did that when i was a sophomore!! i thought the exact same thing. i told my friend how weird those people were and she's like...for graduating?)

i rear-ended someone yesterday. 25 years old - and had no idea what to do. luckily mom did. (JANA BARKER! what happened?)

i love hanging out with my parents. (me too)

have you ever seen "goldilocks and the three bears" told in Chinese? it is awesome. (nope haven't)

i longboarded at 1 am the other day. true love. (something i hate)

and i started a scooter club - the ruckuses. there are seven members - 3 scooters. we go in rotations. (do you even have a scooter? i thought it was dallin's)

confession 1: can't wait for "so you think you can dance." fav show. may 21. tune in. you know you're excited too. (I CANNOT WAIT! except it kinda reminds me of having really bad contractions, so maybe i can wait a little longer until that thought doesn't bother me as much. maybe a few years?)

confession 2: i know all the words to the taylor swift song "love story." (me too)

i have so much stuff to recycle. this will take me at least two trips to carry to my car. (i don't think i would go to that much effort to recycle. i wouldn't recycle if we had to pay for it. i always throw plastic bags into the recycle bin and hope that JUST THIS ONCE they'll choose to actually recycle it.)

love you! can't wait to see you on THURSDAY!! WOO HOO!

Jana B. said...

i do have a scooter. it's totally awesome.

Laura Barker said...

JB!! I was rolling at certain parts and felt so special at others because I was your partnes in crime in not 1, but 2, of yoursd things you mentioned. The whole thing about being 25 and not knowing what to do was hilarious. Whenever something like that happens im always like "DADDY!!" and I have a feeling that's never gonna change...

Becki said...

hahaha. i love you too. and jes is hilarious.
p.s. dallin says his scooter is more awesome than yours. and it's name is rudiger, or rudy, for short.

Skinny said...

stream of consciousness is really the only way to write. that's what i say. you make me proud.

Rachel B said...

This was the weirdest thing ever, because as I was checking your blog, I turned to my friends randomly and said, "Man, I can't wait for "so you think can dance" to start." That really happened. I really said that. Then I read this. I'm so sorry you rearended someone!! Sadness. And Dallin and Becki are married! Yay!!!!